Puls Biznesu: Biotts wants to revolutionize drug delivery

Puls Biznesu: Despite years of work only 17 patch-based #transdermal_drug delivery systems were ever developed and just 10 of them – including the one for nicotine – were successful. That’s where the product being developed by Biotts comes in: it is theoretically universal and can be used to deliver any kind of medication. This startup has left […]

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Diabetes and cancer will be treated through the skin. A start-up from Poland is preparing a breakthrough

WNP.PL: Biotts is picking up some serious steam after its participation in the Start-up Challenge! The Wroclaw-based startup is about to begin clinical trials of its innovative technology that delivers the medication needed to treat #diabetes through the skin. The company’s solutions also show a great deal of promise when it comes to fighting #tumors. […]

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Polish biotech companies join forces to compete more effectively on the global market

Biotechnologia.pl: The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a definite increase in the popularity of solutions from practically every healthcare-related sector – including Biotech. In Poland the impact of this segment on the economy has been steadily growing over the last few years, which is why it’s become a cornerstone of the government’s strategy. The institutional and […]

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Polish medical startups that can conquer the world

Business Insider: Polish startups from the medical industry are strengthening their positions on foreign markets – there are even a few that have the chance to become widely recognized leaders in their respective market segments. Here are a couple of Poland’s MedTech startups that are continuing to build their business abroad. Biotts – a biotech […]

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Medical innovations made in Wrocław

Gazeta Wrocławska: The capital of Lower Silesia is home the headquarters and production facilities of numerous established companies – local and global leaders in their respective industries. It’s also where you’ll find 200+ startups! Their innovative products, services and solutions are transforming entire sectors of the economy – from IT and healthcare to industrial production. […]

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A shot at medicine without shots. Innovators from Poland are looking to revolutionize the industry.

Money.pl: It’s no secret that taking #medicine is usually something we do because we have to, not because we want to. And when treatments have to be administered in the form of a shot, they become even more of a burden. Luckily – thanks to a technology developed by the founders of #Biotts – this can […]

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