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Polish biotech companies join forces to compete more effectively on the global market The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a definite increase in the popularity of solutions from practically every healthcare-related sector – including Biotech. In Poland the impact of this segment on the economy has been steadily growing over the last few years, which is why it’s become a cornerstone of the government’s strategy. The institutional and legislative frameworks in the country, however, remain a step behind the fast-paced changes of the biotech world. That’s where the newly created BioForum Association of Biotech Companies comes in – its mission is to increase the overall importance of the sector in Poland’s economy and its competitiveness on the global stage.

BioForum’s members include – among others – Celon Pharma, NanoGroup, Mabion (one of the first biotech companies that – in cooperation with US-based Novavax – has a chance to produce a COVID-19 vaccine), Sygnis Bio Technologies, Biotts (a startup that wants to revolutionize the way medication is delivered to a patient’s body), Personather and The Polish Stem Cell Bank (PBKM).