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[Video] Biotts transdermal technology: MTC-Y

Multifunctional Transdermal Carrier-Y (MTC-Y) is a proprietary, patent pending, universal, transdermal carrier for active substances, increasing their bioavailability. Due to MTC-Y carrier we are able to transport through the skin hydrophilic substances, big molecules and proteins.

The mixture of excipients constituting the carrier of MTC-Y consists of components that ensure a simultaneous introduction of several active substances of different character and physiochemical properties into the body. Additionally, each of them can be introduced simultaneously in different polymorphic varieties, which makes it possible to create preparations with a modified profile of activity.Thanks to the unique properties of the system, it is possible to increase the bioavailability of active substances up to and enable active substances to penetrate through skin barriers up to several centimetres. Thanks to the unique formula, it is possible to reduce the doses of substances and at the same time to intensify their action.

The effect is the acceleration of treatment with reduced side effects.