[Video] Biotts transdermal technology: MTC-Y

Multifunctional Transdermal Carrier-Y (MTC-Y) is a proprietary, patent pending, universal, transdermal carrier for active substances, increasing their bioavailability. Due to MTC-Y carrier we are able to transport through the skin hydrophilic substances, big molecules and proteins. The mixture of excipients constituting the carrier of MTC-Y consists of components that ensure a simultaneous introduction of several […]

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Revolutionary therapies can be a breakthrough: Biotts

The medicine of the future will build on personalised treatment, and drugs will be developed based on each person’s unique genetic make-up.Rzeczpospolita: All the indications are that in the future Mr Average will have many more effective diagnostic tools at hand, which will make it possible for him to start treatment early and avoid the […]

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Biotts among the winners – the Lower Silesian Gryphon

For the 16th time in a row, the “Dolnośląski Gryf” economic awards went to the top enterprises and local governments in the region. The fact that the history of the Economic Award is much longer than a decade proves that there is still a need to put the spotlight on the best business and economic trends. […]

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Rzeczpospolita: The Polish “patent factory” will end with painful injections

Rzeczpospolita: A Wrocław-based company, Biotts has started only recently but is already shooting up. They began with the development of a proprietary technology for the transport of active substances and new drug formulas, inspired by substances and solutions that exist in the nature. Now, they are submitting new patent applications and win competitions. Recently, the company has […]

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Puls Biznesu: Biotts saves patients from pain

Puls Biznesu: A biotech company, Biotts is preparing the ground for a revolution in the drug administration process. Although R&D works are still pending, the company claims that it has already found willing pharmaceutical concerns to handle what is known in the world of start-ups as the proof-of-concept.The solutions that are currently available on the market allow for a transdermal […]

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Biotts nominated for the “Dolnośląski Gryf” Award

The jury of the “Dolnośląski Gryf – Economic Award” has announced a shortlist of companies and local governments nominated for the title – the entities that create the economic and social future of Lower Silesia. The “Dolnośląski Gryf” is meant to acknowledge Lower Silesian businesses for their innovative approach and dynamic business development. It is […]

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