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TO BE Transdermal

Transdermal Drug Delivery has traditionally been limited by the skin’s tough and lipid rich outer layer known as the stratum corneum thus rendering the skin impermeable to most biopharmaceuticals; of the thousands of drugs currently approved by the FDA less than 30 are approved for transdermal delivery. So far, successful transdermal drug delivery has only been accomplished with small molecules (<  468 Da.) that are moderately lipophilic.

The development of Biotts’ proprietary MTC-Y technology has effectively removed these limitations, without the use of complicated devices or invasive technologies. Biotts’ MTC-Y technology completely changes what is possible withTransdermal Drug Delivery, making it a much more feasible alternative. It offers the fast onset of action of an injectable, but at more constant drug levels and in a way that is much less invasive. Furthermore, it allows for reduced administration frequency and increased self-administration, and with that improved quality of life for patients. It also offers the convenience of an oral pill, but with a muchmore controlled and sustained release, and dramatically reduced side-effects and improved bioavailability.

READ MORE: Our technologyMTC-Y comparisonsDiclofenack graphTeracaine & lidocaine formulation graphs

our technology

MTC-Y is an original, universal, transdermal carrier of active substances, which increases their bioavailability.  The mixture of excipients constituting the carrier of MTC-Y consists of components that ensure a simultaneous introduction of several active substances of different character and physicochemical properties into the body. Additionally, each of them can be introduced simultaneously in different polymorphic varieties, which makes it possible to create preparations with a modified profile of activity.

Thanks to the unique properties of the system, it is possible to increase the bioavailability of active substances and enable active substances to penetrate through skin barriers.

200 Da (Dalton) particle
Up to 25,000 Da (Dalton) particle

The unique MTC-Y Biotts system enables the transport of one to several active substances, thanks to which it is possible to design multi-component drugs. MTC-Y carrier is biocompatible with the human skin and non-toxic. MTC-Y allows drugs to quickly penetrate the skin without irritating it.

MTC-y comparisons

Comparison of MTC-Y semi-solid carrier (direct topical application) to SC administration.

GLP-1 Plasma Concentration

Subcutaneous injection

Dose [mg/kg/24h]0,1
CMAX [ng/mL]69,745
TMAX [H]10
AUC0→t [ng•h/mL]1297,56
AUCINF [ng•h/mL]1324,49
FR [%]100
MTC semi-solid carrier [1]
GLP-1 Plasma Concentration

MTC-Y carrier topical [1]

Dose [mg/kg/24h]33,05
CMAX [ng/mL]238,4222
TMAX [H]1,0
AUC0→t [ng•h/mL]3147,29
AUCINF [ng•h/mL]4254,8
FR [%]0,972
MTC semi-solid carrier [2]
GLP-1 Plasma Concentration

MTC-Y carrier topical [2]

Dose [mg/kg/24h]33,88
CMAX [ng/mL]689,6889
TMAX [H]56,0
AUC0→t [ng•h/mL]16210,36
AUCINF [ng•h/mL]17015,38
FR [%]3,7918

Precise action in the joint fluid compared to market leader product

Here we present a comparison of topical administrated MTC-NL5 (Diclofenac) to Voltaren Max gel.

Study design

The study was conducted using:
Biotts MTC-NL5 (diclofenac – 5.5mg/ml)
Voltaren Max Gel (diclofenac – 22 mg/ml)

Male pigs were used for the study. Semi solid products were administered to the left leg only. Puncture of the knee joint was performed 1 hour after application, with prior cleaning of the puncture area. Additionally, blood samples were taken after 1 hour for determination of API (diclofenac) concentration.


A 2.8-fold higher concentration of diclofenac was observed in the synovium of the left leg in animals treated with MTC-NL5 compared do animals treated with Voltaren Max Gel. No diclofenac was observed in the synovium of the right leg in animals treated with MTC-NL5. Diclofenac at a concentration of 15.62 ng/ml was observed in the right leg of animals treated with Voltaren Max Gel. 
Similar concentration of diclofenac was observed in both the tested groups of animals.

With MTC-Y carrier it is possible to achieve treatment effect with half of a dosage. It means cost savings on the API.

The concentration of the active substances, lidocaine and tetracaine, in the product MTC-A4 is 4% each, while in the reference product it is 7% each. The results show that using lower concentrations of active substances similar bioavailability of the same API was obtained. Another observation is more stable blood concentrations of the active substances released from MTC-A4 after 24 hours compared to the reference product.

we are Breaking the limits

We transport through the skin lipophilic and hydrophilic substances.
That gives an opportunity for the patients for efficient and convenient treatment in many therapeutic areas such as: